New Service Request
We Do Not currently service subdivisions or housing developments.
Getting Started
Maricopa Consolidated DWID provides water service for the original community area of Maricopa also known as the Heritage District & New Saddleback Vista & Valle Escondido neighborhoods.
Please contact our office by phone at 520-568-2239 or email: for applications. The Residential/Commercial Service Application Agreement link is below. All other Construction Applications/Permits can be emailed or faxed to you.
A copy of photo ID and renter or owner documents are required along with Service Deposit fees to process your application. Turn on of service is usually next day.
**Precaution for COVID19 for In-Office payments.
*Papago Butte DWID applications are also available at our office or by email.
We look forward to serving your water needs.
MCDWID- New Service Application